by Gaia Schiavetti
A video call on the screens installed for the party organized by Moschino during the Coachella festival surprised the guests and the celebrities who took part to the celebration like Cardi B, Little Mix, KESH, Paris Jackson, Mia Moretti, A-Trak, Slick Woods, Stephanie Shepherd, Tommy Dorfman Slick Woods, Jade Thirlwall, Leanne Pinuck, Greg Krelenstein, Leigh Lezark, Geordon Nichol, The Misshapes.
During one of the most awaited events of the year, Moschino decided to organize an exclusive party with an unexpected surprise for guests and for the fashion world: Jeremy Scott, Creative Director of the brand known for its stylistic originality, decided to project on screens installed at the event a video call that unveiled a very important detail on one of the most rumored fashion collaborations.
On the other side Gigi Hadid answers and after a few minutes there are no more doubts: Moschino will be the next brand to collaborate with H&M for the luxury capsule collection that the brand presents every year. In fact, from November 8th 2018 the Moschino (tv) H & M collection composed of many men’s and women’s garments and a great variety of accessories will be sold online and in selected stores.No preview of the collection except for the garments worn by Jeremy Scott and Gigi Hadid for the announcement. One thing is certain, when Moschino is involved, nothing traditional can be expected starting from the promotion of the capsule that will involve the classic media but also socials and new methodologies as it was done during the party.
“I am enthusiastic about the Moschino [tv] H & M collection. My job is to interact with people through fashion and with this collaboration I will have the opportunity to reach more fans than I would ever have been able to have “, declares the Creative Director.