Home>News>Stroili: The solidarity competition for the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo has started
Stroili: Al via la gara di solidarietà a favore dell’Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII di Bergamo

Stroili: The solidarity competition for the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo has started

P.Rew.: Guitar Press Office
The jewelry brand has started an important fundraiser that will involve its 2,500 employees and the entire Stroili community that will choose to participate in the crowdfunding initiative.

The Stroili group and the community of its employees, united in the fight against Coronavirus, have chosen to support the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo.

The fundraising campaign has been launched through the GoFundMe crowfunding platform, with an important donation from the Stroili group to which will be added the contribution of employees who strongly believe in this initiative.Stroili: Al via la gara di solidarietà a favore dell’Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII di BergamoThe goal is to involve as many people as possible to support the Lombard hospital, the largest hospital in the area of Italy most affected by the emergency.

But in the foreground also the effective health and safety measures of workers that have been guaranteed by the Stroili group anticipating the directives issued by the government from the early stages of the emergency in the interest and protection of its community and the community to which it belongs, arriving at the prompt and firm decision to close the 400 stores on the national territory, the warehouse and the offices and of enable work in smartworking mode where possible, thus guaranteeing contrast and containment of the spread of Coronavirus.

A necessary regulation that, once again, highlights the attention to the human factor and social, which has always been an essential added value of the company.

The important choral initiative will be promoted by Stroili, the brand that has revolutionized the concept of joaillerie from a democratic point of view, through a dedicated communication on social channels to maximize the message and bring it to an audience of donors.

“The choice to help the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, in the most affected province in the country, is it was a natural gesture for us and that we felt as necessary.

 But what it has as a company filled the heart with joy, in such a difficult moment, is the spontaneous initiative of our collaborators in the support the fight against Covid-19 with us. And, when everything has passed, the indelible memory will remain unique of a true cohesive community that has united giving a signal of concrete hope “, explains Nicola Saraceno, CEO of Stroili.Stroili: Al via la gara di solidarietà a favore dell’Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII di BergamoFundraising on Gofundme for Bergamo hospital: #lagioiadidonare

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