Goldenpass Express redesigned by Pininfarina

The Pininfarina designed wonder train

The Goldenpass Express, panoramic train of the MOB railway, becomes reality in Switzerland – As of next year, 4 million tourists a year will be able to enjoy the views on the borders of the Vaud and Bernese Alps from on board the new trains redesigned by Pininfarina for the MOB (Montreux Oberland Bernese) railway company.

Monica Calicchio and Tailoritaly arepart of the new Huawei Mate 10 Pro campaign

Today I want talk to you once again about a collaboration between technology and fashion. This time the protagonist of the news is Huawei that has involved some brands and talents in its promotion project for the launch of the brand new HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro.

Take my Things: the app that delivers gifts (and anything you want) for you

How many times have we ever go out and felt we had forgotten something? How many of these times didn’t turn out to be an impression? Until today the only solution would have been to go back or ask someone particularly unselfish to bring us the forgotten object; but now there is Take My Things.