Il Christmas Design Market di Natuzzi Italia x Oxfam

The Natuzzi Italia x Oxfam Christmas Design Market

The Natuzzi Italia x Oxfam Christmas Design Market From 2 to 24 December 2022 via Durini 24 Milan. Natuzzi Italia and Oxfam Italia join forces to bring clean water to countries affected by emergencies with a special Christmas market in the design brand’s Milan flagship store.

Natale Stroili . AIRC

At Christmas Stroili supports research: a greeting card to help change the future of young cancer patients

From 21 November and throughout the month of December, Stroili’s solidarity initiative kicks off in all 341 jewellers and on Stroili.com in support of the Fondazione AIRC’s childhood cancer projects.

Iran, finaliste di Miss Italia si tagliano i capelli in segno di solidarietà

Iran, Miss Italy finalists cut their hair in solidarity

In a video posted on the social channels of Miss Italia, the finalists of the historic beauty contest appear while they cut their hair as a sign of solidarity with the struggle of Iranian women, who have been protesting for days against the ayatollahs’ regime for the death of Masha Amani.

Elena Mirò per Pangea, con le donne e per tutte le donne

Elena Mirò for Pangea, with women and for all women

On the occasion of Christmas 2021, Elena Mirò strengthens her investment in the social sector, one of the founding values of the brand, supporting the most fragile and troubled women, through a solidarity project in collaboration with the Fondazione Pangea Onlus.

FiloBlu Leader della Crescita 2022

FiloBlu promoter of the new audiovisual entrepreneurship

The strategic consulting firm formed a partnership with Anica, becoming one of the 24 founding companies of the “Digital Publishers and Creators” Union. The new association made its debut at the RomeVideoGameLab2021 in Cinecittà. FiloBlu strengthens its commitment to support the new generation of talents.

The Only One CULT per la Giornata Internazionale Contro la Violenza Sulle Donne

The Only One CULT for the International Day Against Violence Against Women

(Italiano) Cult rafforza il suo impegno nella lotta contro la violenza sulle donne con anfibi customizzati dall’artista Tommaso Buglioni, protagonista di un’asta benefica su Charity Stars a favore dell’Associazione differenza donna.

Laura Biagiotti Eyewear BIO

Happy World Oceans Day 2021: Laura Biagiotti launches Eyewear BIO

World Oceans Day is celebrated on 8 June, the world day that the United Nations established to celebrate the fundamental role of the oceans in the life of all of us and to invite us to protect the oceans by encouraging the sustainable use of marine resources.

AdottaUnRagazzo invia 1000 lettere d'amore nello spazio

AdottaUnRagazzo sends 1000 love letters into space

AdottaUnRagazzo sends 1000 love letters into space on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket . This year AdottaUnRagazzo” Adopt A Boy” will send 1000 love letters into space. An unprecedented event. Lovers will be able to write a letter that will arrive full of the magic of the Universe to the person they love.

Lavinia Biagiotti speaker Visionary Days

Lavinia Biagiotti Cigna speaker at What future, Visionary Days 2020

Lavinia Biagiotti Cigna took part as exceptional speaker at the first digital marathon of Visionary Days entitled “Which Future”, eight hours of close and continuous confrontation to draw post-covid Italy from the point of view of young people.

Emergenza Covid-19 | HUI dona 10.000 mascherine e 200 visiere facciali al Comune di Milano

Covid-19 emergency | HUI donates 10,000 masks and 200 facial visors to the Municipality of Milan

The solidarity chain does not stop: among the names that came out to give their contribution to the Covid-19 emergency in the national territory also HUI that announced that it has donated 10,000 masks and 200 protective face shields to the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile of the Municipality of Milan

DROMe realizza mascherine in cotone da donare alle aziende ospedaliere

DROMe makes cotton masks to donate to hospital

Factory Srl, a company from Fucecchio (FI), operating in the textile sector, leader in leather processing and producer among others of the DROMe brand, decided to suspend all its activities to protect the health of its employees, some of which , on the sidelines of this decision


#tunonseisola, a week of initiatives against gender-based violence in Sicily

Sicilian Region Department of Family and Social Policies Office of the Councilor for Equality. #tunonseisola against femicide- QRcode to geolocalize the 21 anti-violence Sicilian centers for self-entrepreneurship and review Law REG. 3/2012 . Today postcards presentation “Just a gesture”, demonstration on the Catania-Palermo train and planting of the tree of remembrance, tomorrow (November 26th, 11.00 am) postal cancellation ceremony