Home>News>Mirco Giovannini Karmasutra: the gender fluid collection that defies the laws of love
Mirco Giovannini Karmasutra gender fluid

Mirco Giovannini Karmasutra: the gender fluid collection that defies the laws of love

An artist’s gesture should act as ‘chaos’ in the ordered web of everyday life, or as writer J. Mayorga puts it, it should be ‘a mine ready to explode’. Romagnolo by birth and by poetic choice, attached to his homeland with the passion that distinguishes its warp and weft, the eclectic Mirco Giovannini challenges the structure of yarns to construct new knitted textures.

And so capsule collections are born that tell of parallel worlds, but are capable of dressing a woman who loves luxury as much as risk. This is the case of Karmasutra, the gender fluid capsule collection that exalts the union between the sacred and the profane.

Adding a touch of madness to the theme of encounter and love. Two kimonos and two chokers intertwine in a double-face game made of black and white, jacquard work with inlays of those positions that speak of the meeting of souls – karma – held together by a thread made of stories, lives and tales – sutra.

Dichotomies of blacks and whites that create contrasts on a knitwear that is dropped and characterised by all over patterns. There is no lack of points of light dictated by fluorescent or gold rhinestones, and by crystals and stones that, thanks to the partnership with Image plus accessories, embellish the collection designed by Mirco Giovannini.
P.Rew.: Studio Re Public Relations

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