On Instagram the girls’ videos dedicated to the territory. The regional Miss Social titles are up for grabs.
“Miss Italia racconta l’Italia” is a project that aims to narrate, thanks to the support of the contestants, the characteristics of our beautiful country through social media, in particular Instagram
Participation in the selections of “Miss Italia racconta l’Italia” will allow the Misses to take part in the election of the Miss Social of their region.
“Miss Italia Racconta l’Italia” is an intense virtual exploration of the places loved and experienced by the Misses, a journey that takes place through the lens of social media, where the contestants already share the beauty of their cities with their daily selfie and where, in particular, using Instagram, they will post videos dedicated to their region on their profiles.

The project aims to reveal the wonders of our country through the personal interpretations of the contestants in the 84th edition of the competition. By joining “Miss Italia racconta l’Italia”, the candidates will have the opportunity to compete for the title of Miss Social of their region.
L’iniziativa è stata lanciata da Enzo Rimedio, coordinatore delle attività digitali del Concorso e punto di riferimento nel settore, conosciuto come autore di libri e per i corsi di formazione sulle digital pr.
Until the beginning of September, contestants from all regions are encouraged to post a Reel on Instagram, lasting a maximum of 90 seconds, highlighting the artistic, architectural and cultural charm of a distinctive place in their city or locality.
A technical commission appointed by Miren srl, organiser of the Miss Italy contest, will evaluate each post and award the title of Miss Social for each region. This title will allow access to the national pre-finals and can be cumulated with the other titles up for grabs in each region.
The commission’s assessment will take into account the ability to be able to construct a storytelling based on the visual production capacity of the video clip, the verbal narrative with which the aspiring Miss will tell her story, and the choice of location, which need not necessarily be famous, but certainly characteristic.
The winners from each region will also receive a scholarship offered by the Digital Coach training school to attend some specialised courses in digital marketing.
The overall title of Miss Italia Social was won last year by Sara Pilla, a Venetian gondolier, who made a video aboard her gondola that captivated the jury, which decreed her victory.
The video of the Misses must be published strictly before the final of their region, after filling in the online form contained in the project description “Miss Italia Racconta l’Italia”.
P.Rew.: Presss office Team media Relations Miss Italia