Home>News>Cerba HealthCare Lombardia opens a new collection point in via De Amicis in Milan
Cerba HealthCare Lombardia

Cerba HealthCare Lombardia opens a new collection point in via De Amicis in Milan

Increasingly accessible blood tests and check-ups
The group is active throughout Italy, with a strong presence in Milan and Lombardy. On Monday, 22 January, the twenty-first location in the capital will be inaugurated: a blood test point that provides access to more than 1,200 types of examinations and check-up packages for prevention and the identification of healthy lifestyles.

The centre is open every morning from Monday to Saturday and is accessible to the blind and visually impaired thanks to a special route

Cerba HealthCare Lombardia
Cerba HealthCare Lombardia

As of 22 January 2024, the citizens of Milan and elsewhere will have a new and convenient point for clinical laboratory tests: Cerba HealthCare Italia, one of the most important Italian groups in outpatient diagnostics and laboratory tests, is inaugurating a new location at 29 Via Edmondo De Amicis, just a few minutes from the M2 Sant’Ambrogio and even closer to the future M4 De Amicis station that will open soon. In short, a well-known and very busy point in Milan’s capital city. At this facility it will be possible to take blood samples and biological swabs for over 1,200 types of routine and advanced specialist tests.

The new blood sampling centre will operate from Monday to Saturday from 7.30 to 10.00 a.m. via direct access, the patient will then be able to view the report via a web portal or pick it up at the facility itself from 10.30 to 11.30 a.m. and on Saturdays until 12.00 noon.

The environment has been organised in such a way as to allow access to every patient, including those with visual disabilities, guaranteeing inclusiveness. The point provides a path specially designed for blind and visually impaired persons, thanks to the application of tactile signage such as maps and special flooring that accompanies the patient inside the Cerba centre.

Cerba HealthCare Lombardia
Cerba HealthCare Lombardia

“In order to protect people’s health and promote the adoption of lifestyles oriented towards prevention and well-being, it is essential to offer proximity, capillary, reachable and accessible health services: this is one of the cornerstones of Cerba HealthCare Italia’s commitment,” comments Laura Daturi, Regional Executive Officer Lombardy of the group. The new centre in via De Amicis offers not only the possibility to undergo biological samples and swabs for different tests, but also to access the Lab Check-up range’.

“These,’ explains Ilaria Sasso, Area Manager Lombardy of Cerba HealthCare Italia, ‘are complete and customised examination packages covering both basic needs (men’s and women’s health under and over 40, cardiovascular, thyroid, etc.) and more specific ones: the Genium Next prenatal test, Bio Balance for microbiome analysis, Stress Detector, Allergy Detector against 300 allergens, a self-comprehensive screening for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and tests for food intolerances (Celiachia Duo Test and 108 foods). Everything you need to monitor your health and well-being, dedicated to patients of all ages”.

In the Cerba HealthCare centres, great care is also dedicated to the aspects of welcome, comfort and rapid response, with minimal waiting times both for bookings (easy and fast thanks to the www.cerbahealthcare.it website) and for the collection of results, also online.

With the opening of this new centre, the Cerba HealthCare Italia Group now has 21 locations in Milan, 18 in the municipalities of the Metropolitan City and more than 400 throughout Italy, where 25 million examinations are performed each year and 6 million patients are offered services. The blood collection point in Via De Amicis adds to Cerba’s capillary network of facilities. Thanks to the commitment, the dedication of the staff and the technologies used, the group can boast the offer of numerous outpatient health and specialist services, diagnostic imaging, sports medicine and other services dedicated to patients.

Cerba Healthcare Lombardia Testing Centre – Milan De Amicis
Via Edmondo De Amicis, 29 – 20123 Milan (M2 Sant’Ambrogio)

Hours: Mondays-Fridays 7.30-11.30am (blood test times 7.30-10am, results collection 10.30-11.30am); Saturdays 7.30-12.00am (blood test times 7.30-10am, results collection 10.30-12am)
Contact: eamicis@cerbahealthcare.it, info@cerbahealthcare.it, Tel. 02 999100 www.cerbahealthcare.it

Cerba HealthCare Italia – Part of an international group dedicated to outpatient diagnostics and clinical analyses present in 47 countries, Cerba HealthCare Italia specialises in the sectors of analysis laboratories, sports medicine, occupational medicine, radiology, outpatient clinics and service labs. In our country it has over 2,000 employees, more than 400 medical and sampling centres and 34 laboratories. Every year it performs more than 25 million examinations and offers its services to more than 6 million patients.
P.Rew.: Cerba HealthCare Italia Ufficio stampa

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