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Golden rules for daily skincare

Taking care of one’s skin is an art that requires knowledge, patience and perseverance. In an age where we are constantly exposed to harmful external factors such as pollution and UV rays, as well as stress and a sometimes hectic lifestyle, maintaining healthy, glowing skin can seem challenging.

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Golden rules for daily skincare

However, with the right information and products, such as Aroma-Zone‘s products, known for their natural and skin-friendly formulations, it is possible to achieve amazing results.

Choosing the right products
Identifying the products best suited to your skin is the first step towards an effective care routine. The diversity of skin types requires special care when selecting products, which must be formulated to meet specific needs. For example, dry skin will benefit from rich, nourishing creams, while oily skin needs light, sebum-regulating formulations. Products with ingredients of natural origin, free of parabens, silicones and sulphates, such as those offered by Aroma-Zone, are often preferred for their mildness and absence of potentially irritating agents. It is also important to consider the presence of antioxidants, vitamins and plant extracts, which can offer additional benefits to the skin, such as protection from free radicals and an anti-ageing effect.

Cleansing: indispensable first step
Proper cleansing is the basis of any skincare routine. This step removes not only make-up and impurities accumulated during the day but also excess sebum, preventing the formation of imperfections and allowing the skin to optimally absorb subsequent treatments. It is advisable to use a cleanser adapted to your skin type twice a day, morning and evening, followed by a toner to rebalance the skin’s pH. This approach not only cleanses but also prepares the skin for subsequent steps, optimising the effectiveness of products applied subsequently. Choosing a cleanser with moisturising and soothing ingredients can help to keep the skin soft and hydrated, avoiding the feeling of dryness or tightness.

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Golden rules for daily skincare

The importance of hydration
Keeping the skin adequately moisturised is crucial for preserving its elasticity and softness. Daily moisturisation helps strengthen the skin barrier, protecting the skin from external agents and preventing transepidermal water loss. It is important to choose moisturising products that correspond to your skin type and that contain active ingredients capable of retaining moisture, such as hyaluronic acid, known for its ability to deeply hydrate the skin. The application of a moisturising cream should follow cleansing and the application of any serums, ensuring that the skin is nourished and protected throughout the day. For particularly dry skin or during the winter months, it may be useful to supplement the routine with moisturising masks or face oils for intensive treatment.

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Golden rules for daily skincare

Sun protection: a daily allí
The importance of effective sun protection cannot be emphasised enough. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation is a major cause of skin damage, including premature ageing, sun spots and increased risk of skin diseases. Daily application of a broad-spectrum sun filter is essential, regardless of the season or weather conditions. Choosing products with SPF 30 or higher and reapplying them every two hours during direct sun exposure ensures optimal protection. Sunscreen products formulated for the face, which are light and non-comedogenic, are preferable to avoid feeling heavy or clogging pores.

Nourishing the skin from within
Radiant skin starts from the inside. Diet plays a key role in skin health, with foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that support cell regeneration and fight ageing. Water is equally essential; drinking at least 2 litres a day helps keep the skin hydrated and glowing. Supplementing one’s diet with superfoods such as berries, nuts, chia seeds and salmon can provide a significant supply of beneficial nutrients for the skin. Avoiding excessive consumption of sugar, alcohol and processed foods helps reduce inflammation and improve the skin’s overall texture and appearance.

The evening routine: a crucial moment
The evening skincare routine is a key time for caring for the skin, allowing the active ingredients to work effectively during the night, when the skin regenerates most intensively. After cleansing, this is the ideal time to apply specific treatments such as anti-ageing serums, eye contour formulations or night creams enriched with retinol, peptides or exfoliating acids. These products work to reduce the signs of ageing, stimulate collagen production and accelerate cell renewal. It is also the perfect time for targeted treatments such as face masks, which can offer intense hydration or purifying action, depending on the skin’s needs.

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Golden rules for daily skincare

Exfoliation: secret to glowing skin
Regular exfoliation is essential to remove dead skin cells, promote cell renewal and improve skin texture. This step can help prevent the appearance of blemishes, make the skin smoother and increase the effectiveness of products applied subsequently. However, it is important not to overdo exfoliation to avoid irritating the skin. The use of chemical exfoliants, such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), can offer a gentle but effective exfoliating action, also suitable for sensitive skin. Incorporating this step into your skincare routine, once or twice a week, can make a big difference in the appearance and health of your skin.

Incorporating these principles into your daily skincare routine may seem challenging at first, but the long-term benefits are invaluable. Healthy skin not only improves appearance but also reflects inner well-being. Remember that consistency is the key to success in any skincare regime and that taking time to care for yourself is an investment in your health and happiness.

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