Home>News>Mido Special: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA identity
Speciale Mido: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA Identity

Mido Special: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA identity

The new Jplus | Summer 24 Collection – Vol. IV is a hymn that aims at rediscovering and fully enhancing the multifaceted identity of the Jplus brand, an identity that has never been abandoned and is now even strengthened in its most authentic DNA matrix: “the carefree contemporaneity that has always distinguished it since its birth”.

Jplus’s journey continues faithful to its creativity, free from any commercial and label conditioning, contaminated only by the desire to have fun and entertain in a style exercise that becomes a sort of all-round exploration where the brand tells its story through each individual model.

Arie . Speciale Mido: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA Identity
Arie . Mido Special: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA Identity

In this path, models such as “Yel” with its minimalist, subtle and geometric shape (presented in classic black and white but also in alternative colours such as midnight blue, solid burnt orange and crystal purple) coexist harmoniously in the Jplus Sun collection with strictly dark and full lenses, but also models such as “Idi” characterised by an opposite concept to the previous one and which is bold in its thicknesses and articulated in its workmanship with soft and almost enveloping shapes.

Idi . Speciale Mido: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA Identity
Idi . Mido Special: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA Identity

An alternation of thicknesses, lines and sizes that underline this desire for experimentation, but also strong maturity in making the collection uniform.

P.Rew.: Claudio Leoni Public Relations

Jones . Speciale Mido: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA Identity
Jones . Mido Special: Jplus new collection Cap.IV Avanguard as DNA Identity

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